Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Fruit Salsa and Homemade Cinnamon Chips

I just made this on Sunday for a baby shower and it was a hit!! It's usually my "go-to" recipe for showers when we're looking for something with fruit but different!
I got this recipe from Pampered Chef! (I LOVE their products!)
Ingredients needed:
2 Granny Smith Apples
1 Pint Strawberries
2 Kiwis
1 Orange
2 Tbsp packed brown sugar
2 Tbsp apple or apricot jelly
 "safe" Tortillas
Water (or safe melted butter/cooking spray)
Sugar and Cinnamon mix
Peel the apples and kiwi.  Dice up all the fruit and place into a bowl.  Zest 1 tsp of the orange onto the fruit.  In a seperate bowl juice the orange to equal 2 Tbsp.  Then add in the brown sugar and jelly.  Stir until mixed.  Add to fruit.  Store in fridge.
Cinnamon Chips
Preheat oven to 400 degrees.  Cut the torillas into strips or triangles and arrange a single layer onto a pan.  Sprinkle with water or brush with butter.  Sprinkle cinnamon and sugar on top.  Bake for 8-10 minutes until edges are slightly crispy!! 

Monday, December 3, 2012

Fudge Crinkle Cookies

These cookies are DELICIOUS!  Seriously, you can't eat just one.  I dare ya. Try it.  It won't happen!

I found this recipe here!
1 box Duncan Hines Devil's Food Cake Mix
1/2 cup veggie oil
2 eggs
powdered sugar for rolling

Preheat oven 350
Mix your ingredients together.
Roll into 1 inch balls.
Dip into the powdered sugar
Bake 8-10 minutes until they are just set (don't over bake---gooey is better here!)



Sunday, December 2, 2012

Hang in there for the Holidays

The holidays are HERE!!!  Our Christmas tree is up.  The cards are sent out.  We've even made a few treats!!

Last year, I remember thinking....How in the world am I going to do this (without any allergens)?  Pass up the chocolate fudge, the rolls, the butter. 

Well,I found some good substitutes and just held my head up high as I passed up on several foods that were "contaiminated" =)

Hang in there. 
It's hard but YOU CAN DO IT!!!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins

That's right!!  It's officially FALL!!!
My kiddos had a slumber party at my parent's house last night! WAHOO!!!  Which meant we got to sleep all night, uninterrupted and get this....even slept in until 9am.  That was a glorious morning. 
As I was laying in bed this morning I started catching up on my blogs and found this recipe.  So...I made it.  They were super yummy!!  It will not disappoint!!
The recipe is dairy, nut, and soy free.  BUT you could also try to sub the eggs!!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Courtney and Cooper's Story

As soon as Cooper was born, I knew he had a sensitive stomach.  Right as I was about to start feeding him for the first time, he burped soooo loud.  I remember thinking "that's wierd".  For the next several weeks, I just kept telling everyone what a sensitive stomach he had.  He was uncomfortable, but in no way a colic baby.  I then noticed that his diapers starting becoming more mucousy.  After he had a very rough weekend at my in-laws, and just saying "he's so sensitive to something", the mucus got worse and I decided to talk it over with my pediatrician.  We tested his diaper and it was positive for blood.  I was still kinda skeptical until I actually saw blood a few days later!  I figured I would try to change my diet. 
So, I dropped dairy and soy first.  The first week, he was much happier.  The second week not so much.  And after our  next diaper check, he still tested positive.  So our pediatrician wanted me off the top 8 allergens (dairy, soy, wheat, tree nuts, peanuts, fish, shellfish, eggs) and citrus.  I'M SORRY....YOU WANT ME TO DO WHAT???  I think I almost passed out at this point.  But I thought....okay...two more weeks, I can do this.  So I did.
At our next check, his diaper was negative and he said I could add one thing back in at a time.  I was slightly excited (i really needed WHEAT) but had a "mother's intuition" moment/feeling that this was not correct.  He was acting the same.  THANKFULLY I did NOT add anything back into my diet.  I kept it the same and sure enough, 3 days later, I actually saw more blood in his stool. 

This meant we bought ourselves a visit to a pediatric GI specialist and the earliest they could get us in was a month later!!  So, i bit the bullet and continued on. 
At our appointment, Cooper had more blood upon examination and we were ALL very, very discouraged.  He wanted us to do a two week trial of a partially hydrolyzed formula.  I was very upset. I was a worried for him and sad for both of us.  He was 3 1/2 months old.  I was not ready to give up breastfeeding at this point.  I knew, however, that whatever made him better, I was willing to do.
So for the next two weeks, we did this trial. I continued to pump and freeze, getting to add back wheat to my diet...yipee!!! And Cooper did NOT like the formula, took less than recommended and actually lost weight.  But we powered through and after two weeks, he STILL TESTED positive! AHHHHH!!!!!  HOW? WHY?
 I, then, started researching A LOT!!! Which would end up forever changing
my thoughts on food (another post for another day.....)

The next step was to do a trial of the completly hydrolyzed formula that is available at pharmacies.  So, I called and got nauseasted when they told me the price.  However, they were not able to receive it until the following day and we were going out of town.  God had made this decision for us!  I would just go back to breastfeeding during our trip and "see how it goes" He did great and continued to do great.  He was content and gaining weight.  Yipee.  We returned to the GI specialist and we never checked another diaper.  He said as long as his symptoms are better and we've not seen any blood then we'll just continue on and begin to introduce solid foods. So we did....
Almost immediately, Cooper started having eczema breakouts.  I didn't really think too much about it because I have it too.  However, at our next appt, our GI was concerned because of the timing and he sent us to an allergist.
At our first visit to the allergist, we did skin testing.  He tested positive for milk (4+) , peanuts (1+), strawberries (2+) and bananas (1+).  So then sent us home with an EPIpen and to get some bloodwork, a RAST test. I was a little stunned but still hopeful that there was a mistake or something, ha, I'm such a skeptic.
 A week later, we found out that he was indeed positive for peanuts(class 4) and milk (class 3). 
I was in shock.  No one in our family had ever dealt with this. I felt very uneducated I knew one other child who had but that was really it.  Our lives were going to change A LOT.  My diet had already changed but now it was going to affect a lot more people!!  I was sad for him.  Sad that he may never get a chance to eat a Reese's cup.  Worried that he would be the poor kid in the corner of a birthday party that is not allowed to eat ANYthing. Of course, since then I've come to grips with it all and realized that is not always the case =)
And after all of this.... It was (kinda) relief to know that we had an explanation for his continual positive diapers.  My knowledge about allergies and intolerances have exploded as I have researched like a mad woman!  Our family has made several lifestyle changes to protect Cooper and our long term health.  And Cooper is thriving!!!


Cooper turned one at the end of August.  This year has absolutely FLOWN by!! 
And guess what? I did it. 
I actually changed my diet (multiple times) for this little guy.  It was quite an accomplishment for me and I am so happy that I choose to do this!  I quit nursing about two weeks prior to his 1st birthday.  For dinner that night, I had Pizza Hut pizza and a DQ Reeses Cup Blizzard!  That had been my meal of choice for a long time and it was a sweet reward to share with my family!!
If you would've asked any of my family members on day one of this diet change if I would've been able to do this....they all would've say NO based on the sole reason that I DRINK A LOT OF MILK!!  I would drink milk at any point during the day with any meal and any food.  I remember my mom having to limit me as a child because I liked it so much! 
And I was AMAZED TO FIND OUT that after a few weeks, I didn't even miss it.  Honestly.  I didn't miss it at all!  (now ice cream was a different story, ha)
So hang in there! 
Here he is enjoying his semi homemade cake and icing!!!

Dump Cake

My mom came through with another great dessert!!  Super simple and easy to make!! I got my sweet tooth from her =)

Dump Cake
From: My mom

2  cans of pie filling
8 oz can of crushed pineapple
1/2 cup melted "butter"
1 box of cake mix (duncan hines has some dairy free options)

Spray a 9x13 pan
Place the pie filling on the bottom of the pan then put the pineapple on top.  Next, mix together the butter and cake mix and sprinkle on top.

Bake @ 350 for 30-40 minutes


Microwave Fudge/Icing

I have a sweet tooth and I LOVE CHOCOLATE!!!  Pretty much anything!! 

I knew right away that I must reserach and make some sweet things to "keep me going". At one point, I think I had made this fudge along with two batches of cookies....rather ridiculous looking back but at the time, it was a neccesity to me!! Thankfully, I didn't have to look very hard for this one, thanks to my mom who gave it to me years ago. 

1 lb box of powdered sugar
1/2 cup cocoa
1/4 cup "milk" (note: if using rice milk, use a little less)
1/2 tsp salt
1Tbsp vanilla
1/4 cup "butter"

Mix together sugar and cocoa.  Add in milk and salt.  Slice the butter and place on top.  Microwave on high for 1 1/2 - 2 minutes (The butter should melt)  Stir together and then pour into a greased pan.  Use a smaller pan for thicker pieces and a larger one for thinner pieces.  Put in the fridge until hard.

If you plan to use this as an icing....stir together after the microwave and pour directly on top of cake. 



Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Zucchini Muffins

I was recently introduced to Zucchini Muffins (gasp, sad I know)
What a genius way to get extra veggies in yourself your kids cause we all know they need them! 
Recipe from my mother in law
(zucchini from my sister in law's over abundance growth of zucchini's this year!!)
3 eggs
2 cups sugar
1 cup oil
3 cups flour (i used whole wheat & they were good!)
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp baking powder
2 cups chopped zucchini
3 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup chopped nuts (optional)
In one bowl, mix together the eggs, sugar, and oil.  In another bowl, mix together the flour, soda, salt, cinnamon, and powder.  Then combine the two bowls.
Next add in the zucchini and vanilla (and nuts). 
Bake @ 350.  Mini muffins take around 15 minutes, one large loaf will take an hour!
These are easy to freeze and have available whenever!!

Baked Oatmeal

Looking for a yummy breakfast dish that serves mulitple people??  Try...

Baked Oatmeal
By: My friend Amanda

1/2 cup veggie oil
1/2 cup sugar
1 egg
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1 1/2 tsp salt

Mix together then add 3/4 cup "milk"

Stir in 2 cups quick oats.
Place in 8x8 pan and top with fruit of choice (fresh peaches...yummy!)

Bake @ 350 for 20-25 minutes

Ham and Sweet Potato Goodness

Let's be honest.  Before I started changing my diet, I was a very very basic eater.  I never ventured out too much and played it safe with casseroles.  LOTS of casseroles. 

When my mother in law first showed me this recipe, I laughed out loud.  There was no way I would (usually) try something like that. Thankfully, I was starving (kidding!) and decided I would try it (plus she had already made it so I couldn't be rude, right?!)

OH. MY. GOODNESS.  It was delicious!!  I had to have seconds and maybe thirds!  I've made it multiple times since!  So don't be taken back by the recipe or the sound of it....

Originally called: Warm Sweet Potato Salad
Adapted from Family Circle

3 Tbsp cider vinegar
3 Tbsp maple syrup
2 tsp dijon mustard (and more for dipping, if you are like me!)
3 Tbsp olive oil, divided
2 lbs sweet potatoes, peeled & cut into 1 inch pieces
1 large onion (i use frozen)
1- 8 oz turkey ham cut into 1/2 inch pieces ( I end up adding more for the hubbie)
3/4 tsp dried thyme
salt and pepper
1 pkg (10oz) frozen chopped spinach, thawed & squeezed dry

1.  Preheat oven to 400.
2. Place sweet potatoes, onion, and ham in a large bowl.  Drizzle with 1 Tbsp olive oil and place into a 9x13 baking pan.
3. Sprinkle with thyme, salt, & pepper.
4.  Roast @ 400 degrees for 45 minutes, stirring halfway through.
5. While that's roasting, stir together vinegar, maple syrup, and mustard.  Slowly whisk in 2 Tbsp of the olive oil and set aside until finished cooking.
6.Remove from oven and stir in spinach.  Drizzle with maple vinaigrette and serve immediately.

**I'm a dipper so I like to put some extra dijon mustard on the side =)

Seriously, ya'll, IT'S GOOD!  Like, REALLY GOOD!!


Saturday, August 4, 2012

Take it one day, or three weeks, at a time…

When I was first told that I could not eat anything with milk, soy, nuts, or eggs, I felt completely overwhelmed.  The doctor suggested that I needed to stay on my diet until Tucker was 1 year old.  This meant I had to be on this diet for another 7 and a half months if I chose to continue to breast feed.  I had pretty much decided I couldn’t handle it and that I would have to give up nursing, something I really didn’t want to do.  I knew I could do it for a week, maybe two or three weeks, but not 7 and a half months.  So, I knew I had to change my attitude. 
I told myself I was only on this diet for three weeks.  When that three weeks mark hit, I would do it for another three weeks, over and over and over.  My coworkers would ask how much longer I was going to be on this “crazy” diet and I told them three weeks and when that three weeks hit, I was again only going to do it for three weeks.  Mentally, I could handle three weeks when it came to doing it for my son.  After about a month and a half, it wasn’t nearly as hard because I just got use to not being able to eat certain foods.  The longer I was on the diet, the easier it was.  At first I would look at food I wanted but couldn’t eat and crave it.  Later, it was like I had blinders up and didn’t see what I couldn’t eat, but rather what I could.
If you don’t think you can handle it, ask yourself how many days you CAN handle it.  Then just do it for that amount of time… over and over… 

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Planning a Trip to Disney World.....


Disney is an amazing place to visit with a restricted diet. 

Not only does a chef come out & personally speak to you regarding YOUR diet needs but they take you around buffets, prepare specific items just for you, and treat you like a million bucks!

We had our trip planned for Disney World months before I had to change my diet.  I remember that being one of the first things to enter my mind..."how in the world is this going to work when traveling, especially to Disney?!" 

After a little research, I quickly realized HOW ACCUSTOMED THEY ARE for this kind of stuff.  They have kids all the time who deal with severe allergies and they were prepared!!

When making reservations, they would ask (or a box would prompt you if doing online) about anyone having specific dietary needs.  Upon arrival at the restaurant, the waitress would immediately confirm and let the chef know!  The chef would then come discuss your options with you.

And the options were GOOD!! If there was something I wanted but contained an ingredient I couldn't have, they would make mine separate.  Again, so amazing!

I remember having the best mashed potatoes at Liberty Tree Tavern.  They also never forgot dessert (which I tend to make part of my daily intake requirements). 

At The Crystal Palace, the chef brought me this allergy free dessert (pictured below) for BREAKFAST.  Yes, I said breakfast.  It was divine and just what I needed that day =)

Another place I used often to reference and prepare for our trip was  It was VERY helpful!

So, go ahead and plan your trip! You'll be glad you did!


Friday, July 6, 2012

Cinnamon Rolls

In my husband's family, cinnamon rolls are part of their Christmas tradition.  So this past Christmas, I was bound and determined to be included in that!  

AND THEY WERE DELICIOUS!!  Now his family wants these over the store bought ones!!

10 pre-packaged/canned biscuits*
1/4 cup "safe" butter 
1Tbsp pure maple syrup
1/4 cup white sugar
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 Tbsp cinnamon

1 cup powdered sugar
1Tbsp "safe" milk
1/4 tsp vanilla or almond flavoring**

First, lay out your biscuits (as below) and allow them to come to room temperature.  (sometimes i'm inpatient and it still works but they just don't stick together as well)

Second, roll your dough together to form a rectangle

In a bowl, SOFTEN (not melt) your butter and then stir in maple syrup.  In a seperate bowl, mix together the white and brown sugars along with the cinnamon. 

Then put your butter onto the dough followed by the sugar mix.

Now, roll up the dough as tight as possible, making sure to seal off any cracks in the dough.

Next cut into 1 inch pieces and lay facing up in your pan.

Bake at 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes or until slightly brown and no longer "doughy".

While those are cooking, mix together your icing ingredients and set aside.

TIP: After the rolls are finished you may notice some of the filling has come out.  I usually take a plate and dump out the cinnamon rolls upside down allowing all the "good stuff" to come out of the pan and back onto the rolls.

After they have cooled off slighty, top with the icing and ENJOY!!  Believe me....they won't last long =)

*most commercial canned biscuits contain soy flour.  You could make your own dough and then this would be soy free as well!!

** most imitation almond flavorings don't actually contain almonds (crazy huh?) so this can be nut free as well

Good Luck!!!  Feel free to tweek as needed =)

Saturday, June 16, 2012


This was created by moms and for moms who are in need of some encouragement, support, recipes, and ideas to sucessfully continue to breastfeed while avoiding dairy (and other foods).  Please take a look around!