About Us

Meet the Moms Behind the Blog

Courtney is a wife and mom of two boys.  Her youngest, Cooper, was diagnosed with CMPI at 6 weeks old.  After three months of a variety of dietary avoidance (the top 8 allergens & citrus), a partially hydrolyzed formula attempt, doctors visits, and several diaper checks, she was able to continue breastfeeding with avoidance of milk, eggs, and all nuts.  After a few major eczema breakouts, a constant runny nose, and sleepless nights, she was referred to an allergist for further testing.  Cooper tested positive for a dairy and peanut allergy.  However, he is a happy and thriving little boy.  You can read more about her story here (it's kinda long, sorry!).  Courtney is passionate about sharing her story and encouraging moms who may have similar stories. It's VERY hard at first..... but VERY rewarding.  Through all of this, their lives have changed for the better!!

Follow her boards on Pinterest

Michelle's Story
Michelle is a high school teacher who had her 1st child, Tucker, and was determined to breast feed for the first year of his life.  
When Tucker was 3 months old she saw blood in his stool.  He was a very good baby, only cried when he was hungry or tired, and was gaining weight very well.  However, he repeatedly had blood in his stool.
After playing what felt like was a guessing game with her diet for 2 months, having recommendations to go to a specialized formula from the pediatrician, and going to an allergist to find out her son had no food allergies, Michelle finally sought out a pediatric GI.  Her son had an intolerance to the proteins in milk, soy, nuts, and eggs.
Having been one of the most challenging things Michelle had done in her life, she was able to take out milk, soy, nuts, and eggs from her diet for the rest of the first year of Tucker's life. When the time came for what the doctors called the "milk challenge" to see if Tucker had outgrown his intolerance, he had!  At 1 year of age, Tucker no longer had any food intolerances.  He is almost a year and a half old and getting into anything and everything.  Michelle had no regrets for her decision to continue to breastfeed and alter her diet because she feels her baby is healthier because of it.

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